As a teenager and for a lot of my early adult life I felt lost without a purpose. My heart's desire was to become a nurse because my parents were nurses and I loved caring for people but my only problem was I was not very good at passing exams and therefore struggled to achieve my goal. For years I felt stupid and didn’t know who I was or what I could do but I was a very determined person and my only focus was to prove a Career’s advisor wrong, who said that I would never be clever enough to be a nurse and should set my sights on working in a factory.

My way out was to take a Nursing entrance IQ test which gave a 32% success rate of passing. Through the IQ practice tests books which I loved doing in my spare time (Yes, I was a strange child.) I was successfully part of the 32%! I finally achieved my dream to become a nurse... but was it my purpose or who I was and how did I become a Graphic Designer? Well, that is another story for another time but needless to say I still did not have a clue about my identity or purpose and there were no role models to help me in this journey.
It was only until a friend shared how he found purpose through his relationship with Jesus that I finally started an awesome discovery of purpose an identity which has brought me to where I am today.
I often meet many Christian young people, within Christian or church environments forging their way in life, seeking to know the answers to: Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose in life?
From years of experience in helping people find their purpose and identity, and seeing many lives transformed is what drives me and has given me great passion, as graphic designer to develop the Creatively Designed brand.
Being Creatively Designed is about seeing an individual or organisation come into who they are designed to be and to showcase that to the world.
The main heart of the brand is to utilise God given skills and gifts for the benefit of others and is committed to designing products that reflect individuality, creativity, identity, and purpose.

Thank you for sharing!